
健康主題皮膚健康乳木果油-Out of Africa, Shea Body Oil with Vitamin E, Unscented, 9 fl oz (266 ml)
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- Natural Healing無痕褲
- Dry & Sensitive Skin
- Stretch Marks
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Scars
- 100% Pure - Shea Butter - Natural and Unrefined
- Smoothes, Softens & Tones
- For Beautiful Skin
- Hand Harvested Shea Butter
- Fast Absorbing - Non-Greasy
- Your Skin Will Thank You!
- It's All Natural!髮旺旺
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- Mineral-Free
- Eco-Friendly
- Cruelty-Free
- Help Us Change The World
Discover the amazing benefits of naturally hand-harvested Pure Unrefined Shea Butter!
- Rich in antioxidant vitamins A,E & F with natural anti-aging properties
- Ideal for all skin types, including sensitive skin
- Absorbs easily 床的世界
- Nourish and protect with intense moisture
- Helps avoid stretchmarks before, during and after pregnancy
Out of Africa, Shea Body Oil with Vitamin E, Unscented, 9 fl oz (266 ml)

