
運動蛋白能量棒-Vega, Sport Protein Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter, 12 Bars, 2.14 oz (60 g) Each

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如果你還在考慮Vega, Sport Protein Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter, 12 Bars, 2.14 oz (60 g) Each 這個商品的話我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~

  • Plant-Based

  • Gluten-Free

  • Non-GMO

  • 15 g Protein

  • 2.5 g BCAAs

  • 2 g Glutamine

  • 1 g Omega-3

  • Prepare- Sustain-Recover

  • New Flavor
  • 髮旺旺>床的世界

  • Certified Vegan

Protein Vega Sport Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter

  • 15 g Multisource plant-based protein, 2.5 g BCAAs, 2 g glutamine

  • 1 g Omega-3 from saviseed oil
  • 髮旺旺

  • Whole food ingredients in every bar


Vega Sport is the only complete, plant-based sport nutritional system specifically developed to help athletes perform at their best—before, during and after training and competition.

Good for your body 髮旺旺and the planet, Vega is the clean, plant-based choice to fuel your healthy, active lifestyle- without compromise.

Thank your muscles for getting you through one more tough workout—give them the protein they crave. With 15 grams of multisource, plant-based protein, plus 2.5 grams of BCAAs and 2 grams of glutamine, Vega Sport Protein Bar supports post-workout with the clean, whole food ingredients your body needs (and deserves).

Formulated by Brendan Brazier: vegan, professional Ironman triathlete, and bestselling health author on plant-based nutrition.

Vega, Sport Protein Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter, 12 Bars, 2.14 oz (60 g) Each




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